Maps & Transportation
Nestled in the heart of the Mid-Atlantic, Delaware is ideally located within a 200-mile radius of major metropolitan areas with easy access via Interstate, bus, air, rail or ferry. Navigating through Delaware is also a breeze! Click here to request a Delaware Discovery Guide or Map.
Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI): 800-I FLY BWI
Philadelphia International Airport (PHL): 800-PHL-GATE
Wilmington Airport (ILG): 302-328-4632
Amtrak (WIL): 800-USA-RAIL (800-872-7245)
SEPTA (Regional Rail): 215-580-7800
Bus Lines
Greyhound: 800-231-2222
DART First State: 800-652-DART (3278)
New Jersey Transit: 800-275-5555
Car, Limousine & Bus Service
Delaware Express: 302-454-7800
Cape May-Lewes Ferry: 800-643-3779